
Scott has five core values to his conservative Christian philosophy: Pro-Life, Pro-Guns, Pro-Family, Pro-Business, and Pro-Police.

  • Pro-Life – God is the creator of life. All life is precious. I will support laws and initiatives that will work toward a society that values and fosters life at all levels; from conception to natural death.

  • Pro-Guns – The second amendment is a sacred right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and I will fight to defend our gun rights every step of the way.

  • Pro-Family – As a father of three and a strong supporter of the schools, I know the values of Southwest Michigan and will fight to defend families in the face of this “woke” culture. Critical Race Theory should not be a part of our public school curriculum.

  • Pro-Business – Government needs to get out of the way of business. The endless and senseless regulations that restrict companies need to be eliminated from Michigan. I will work to reduce the amount of red tape required by the Lansing bureaucrats so we can keep the people of Southwest Michigan working.

  • Pro-Police – Law Enforcement is a fundamental responsibility for government. When we don’t enforce the laws, our society breaks down. Our police serve to protect all of us. This demands respect and support. I will stand with our law enforcement community and support all their efforts.

I believe in lower taxes, less government and more freedom. With limited government, individual responsibility and economic freedom, we will see more jobs, more opportunities and a brighter future for everyone.